If you are debating on what the "best" water purification system to include in your "bug out" bag is and don't want to worry about whether it will work or not - then consider the Katadyn Pocket water purification device show here.
It works by filtering water through a pre-filter at the inlet hose then through a silver impregnated ceramic filter that filters out bacteria, cysts and sediment down to .2 microns. That will take care of the known nasty little creatures that could cause you to become very ill.
Other exceptional features of this device is the added durability as the critical working features are made out of aluminum and not plastic, the filter is easily cleanable, it is rated at 13,000 gallons, can hook up to hydration systems, Nalgene bottles (shown above) and it has a lifetime warranty. These and other larger units made by Katadyn have been in use by military and missionaries for years. It comes with spare O-Rings, lube, cleaning pads, bottle clip, hydration system connector and carry bag.
Since the Swiss company making this (and other) purification units has been around since 1928, it is a good bet it will be around for a while. Weighing in at 20 ounces it is heavier than some of the other carbon filter units, but it is unlikely to break and you can't afford that to happen in a survival situation. List price on this is around $219. You can get them for a little less. We got this one at the LL Bean Outlet for $169.