An excerpt below from a note sent to Camping Survival about the reality of preparedness and what to expect from your neighbors going forward...
Will they be lifters or leaners in an you determine that NOW and not when the SHTF and they are at your door begging for help or supplies they should have had the brains and foresight to do (for) themselves.
Remember this is just in 2008 - after lessons from Katrina and numerous storms and flooding and hurricanes...path of least resistance again.....
You won't get this reality check from the fluff artists mentioned in the blog entry below.
* * * * seem to have gathered a lot of things together that I have either been looking to get or replace in my cabinets for a while. I too like to be prepared. Last summer, my area was hit with flooding.
Most of my neighbors didn't even have a flashlight. They were lucky it was summer or they all would have frozen to death. The part that gets me is that there isn't a one of them that has taken steps to remedy their past folly.
They learn nothing from their past mistakes at all. They all came to me as soon as they knew I had a little food and clean water and some flashlights though and some didn't bother to pay or return them to me.
They all have jobs and have money, I am disabled and live off of a stipend from my old job. Next time it won't be so free. I can't afford all these FEMA babies.
Not only didn't they have flood insurance but they hoped the government would help them when the chips were down.
So anyway, I will be back to your site when I can and I thank you for having what you do for those of us who have a brain.
Name witheld by ICE4SAFETY
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Boy Scouts Embrace Preparedness Concepts
It was no surprise when Tom Sciacca from CampingSurvival.Com and ICE4SAFETY co-hosted a group discussion with BSA Troop 888 in Oswego, New York last night. We were welcomed by an enthusiastic (large) and well informed group of Scouts and parents who found the discussions on wilderness and urban preparedness/survival to their liking.
What a tremendously polite and attentive audience we had!
Oswego lies in the Lake Effect Snow Belt of New York State and they get pounded yearly with records amount of they have an understanding for the need to be prepared. Scoutmaster Steve had made sure everyone was on top of their game for the evening when the scouts and the adults were engaged in the discussion.....we were having such a good time, Steve had to remind us when to leave!
Scouts got to sample some of Tom's survival ration bars while washing it down with some white pine needle tea which was brewed on the spot. A tip from the audience - white pine needles come arranged in groups of five - white has five easy to remember.
Our friend up above demonstrated for everyone how warm (and how much fun) he could have by just draping himself with one of the ICE4SAFETY survival kit rescue blankets - just one of the various practical survival tools demonstrated that night.
Realistic survival techniques and consideration discussions ranged back and forth from wilderness to urban situational awareness to evacuation or sheltering in place concepts during an emergency. The group was actively engaged and challenged to participate in the discussion about "dressing for success" and the concept of the "Gray Man" principle. There were some humorous moments for sure.
Survival rule of three (3) was driven home more than a few times as well....3 hours without shelter, 3 days without water and 3 weeks without food. We supplied the scouts with hand outs about Vehicle Emergency Equipment, Emergency Medical Info Forms, ICE Cards and Stickers, Brochures and of course MRE's (for home) and those survival ration bars ......they grow on you.
You probably won't see these scouts going to the winter ski hills dressed in summer flip flops and pajamas anytime soon like their young school friends - they know better. It looks like these folks will also be checking out a favorite survival school in the near future to further advance their learning experience.
One last point that was stressed - when it comes to being personally prepared....if YOU are prepared, then you will be able to actually help others (neighbors, friends, family) who may desperately need your help.
The Scout Motto to "Be Prepared" is as relevant today as it was when it was first adopted by the Scouts. Actually it has been in vogue since 2001. will feature more pics of the event shortly as well.
Thank you Scoutmaster Steve and Troop 888!
Girl Scouts next? Already been asked.....
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Winter Storms Wreak Havoc in South

AP Photo
We have been urging more self reliance here for quite some time and having preparations on hand for extended periods of bad weather, power outages, natural disasters and disasters of that nature. Understand that in times like these you need the help of others. Few people can be considered truly independent. If you can help yourself then you will be able to assist others in more dire need.
We witness here this past week, the worst natural disaster Kentucky has ever had according to news reports....the 2009 Winter ice storm has left 1.2 million people without power....from Texas to the east coast. 700,000 in Kentuck alone. That has since been updated now to a little over 400,000 persons as of this week.
Power may not be restored in some areas for up to two months. That is a long time to be staying at the local shelter. 42 persons have died - many from deadly fumes from their own electric generators.... 4600 National Guard Troops have been deployed across the multi-state stricken areas, many without chain saws. FEMA is there as the area is now declared a disaster zone.
One woman seen on television was living with a borrowed kerosene heater for her and her disabled dad - no money left for food or even kerosene to stay warm. This is pretty deplorable and sad. It is also a reminder that should motivate you to take some preparatory action if you hadn't done so previously. It has been a few weeks of lessons learned.....plane crash in NYC, Ferry Crash in VT, Bus Crash in AZ, ice storm in TX, KY and quite possibly a volcanic eruption coming in Alaska. Best to Be Prepared - no matter where you are.
Power may not be restored in some areas for up to two months. That is a long time to be staying at the local shelter. 42 persons have died - many from deadly fumes from their own electric generators.... 4600 National Guard Troops have been deployed across the multi-state stricken areas, many without chain saws. FEMA is there as the area is now declared a disaster zone.
One woman seen on television was living with a borrowed kerosene heater for her and her disabled dad - no money left for food or even kerosene to stay warm. This is pretty deplorable and sad. It is also a reminder that should motivate you to take some preparatory action if you hadn't done so previously. It has been a few weeks of lessons learned.....plane crash in NYC, Ferry Crash in VT, Bus Crash in AZ, ice storm in TX, KY and quite possibly a volcanic eruption coming in Alaska. Best to Be Prepared - no matter where you are.
Read About Kentucky Storm at Time/CNN
Update from a reliable business source>>>>
People calling frantically to suppliers of heaters and generators after the storm are displaying anger at the suppliers because UPS can't ship these items immediately and have them arrive the next day!
Imagine that.....wait until after the fact then become upset that you can't have your way? It is a bit late for that attitude...listen folks, if you still think someone else owes you "just because", then you have to wake up and smell the coffee. It just ain't so.
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