Monday, December 27, 2010

Self Initiative - Winter Fire Safety

We have been adding to this blog about Winter Fire Safety since the beginning of 2009....
No waiting required to start your own winter fire safety program - you can take the initiative  by doing it yourself and placing your local department(s) on notice by sending them this form.  There is no exclusivity about safety. 

Your business, civic group, church and family/friends can participate whether asked to or not......and you shouldn't need to be told to help yourself anyways.  
Attach a picture of yourself or  group or maybe your business card.
Your Fire Department should post a wall of these for everyone to see.
Get your shovel on!
WIXT and B104.7 Advise CNY Residents to Shovel Out Hydrants 2-9-11


  1. The fire department might acknowledge your effort by sending the notice back with a Verification of some sort, like a stamp or a signature of the chief if they so choose.
    Be thankful you are able to help out and do it. If you know of some neighbors that are unable to do this physically then you can adopt in their name and get it done. So many ways to reach out here....especially during this blizzard season.

  2. When seconds count, having a hydrant shoveled ahead of time can make a difference. Our engines carry 1000 gallons of water, but at 200 gallons per minute, that means I have less than 5 minutes of water on board. I will tell my men to start making their way out at a quarter tank (250 gallons) if we don't have water on the way from the hydrant. I have to ensure their safety first. Under good conditions (i.e. a warm summer afternoon) it can take 3 1/2 to 4 minutes to hook-up to a hydrant; do you really want us wasting time to shovel around your hydrant, or would you rather have us inside saving your life and property?
    George Barrett, Lt
    Cicero (NY) Fire Dept

  3. See the other posts about this program on this blog.

  4. This is an awesome program and is a matter of saving lives because of minutes of saved time.


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