Thursday, January 28, 2010

ICE in Ottawa County OK Impacts 12,500!

Judging by the efforts of Sue Rendel and her group of leaders here in Oklahoma.....quite a few folks in that state are better prepared today than this time last much so that the program is being expanded for 2010 into the entire state! Nice job Sue.....and they said it couldn't be done?
The group, in cooperation and financial support from Ottawa County Fire Fighters also created posters, brochures, distributed several thousand stickers, cards and flyers to thousands of residents in Ottawa County (Miami) Oklahoma. This project was provided $500 from the local grant. $500! That is about 4 cents per try beating that.
ICE4SAFETY copied and pasted the Leadership Report from OHCE describing what took place.... Making a Difference.....we couldn't have said it better! So for you folks sitting on the fence trying to decide if you or your organization can do something like this....take note.

“Making a Difference”

As chairman of Leadership Development in Ottawa County I was looking for a project suited for all members and “In Case of Emergency” seemed like a program HCE could put to the test. It is a simple way to make sure emergency contact information is easily accessible in the event of an emergency where you may be rendered unconscious. After researching the concept it seemed like something that all 66 members could test their leadership skills. We applied for a 2009 LDCE grant and received $500.

For the project to be successful it was decided to meet with the Emergency groups in our county to see if they felt it was something that would be beneficial to their work. After explaining it to the Fire Fighters they realized the benefits to be gained and matched the grant with another $500. Letters were then sent with ICE materials to all Tribal Chiefs, City Mayors of the county towns, Sheriff, Highway Department and County Commissioners and appointments were made with other key people so everyone would know the ICE concept and involvement of Ottawa County HCE members.

On July 3rd our six HCE groups were taught the program by chairman, Sue Rendel and County Extension Educator, Kathy Enyart. Everyone was challenged to go home, teach all their family members and co-workers and contact civic groups in their respective areas to schedule a program about ICE.

From July 3 until September 30th programs had been taught by various OHCE members and others to: OHCE groups, Senior Citizens-30, American Legion Auxilliary-11, Soil Conservation Board-7, Miami Fire Chief and firemen-programmed 4 phones, Integris Ambulance director and EMT’s, City of Miami’s 26 Department heads, manned a booth/display at a Health Fair for 2 days-programming approximately 50 phones and materials were given to an unknown number, 911 Board members-6, Emergency Medical Service Board-7, Quapaw Police Department & office staff-4, Display manned at County fair-600+ , Senior Day at the Fair-125, Fairland Lions Club-17, TOPS-16 members programmed phones, Pine Place apartments-6 phones programmed, manned a booth at Wyandotte and assisted participants program 135 phones with the majority being teenagers, Welch Lions Club-32 in Craig County and several others.

We have filled requests from a grandmother of 12 teenagers after seeing the brochure in her utility bill, a Mothers Club requested material for 25 after reading a news article, Quilters ask for 40 after hearing the presentation at TOPS, Volunteer Fire Department ask to reprint the brochure to use in their membership drive and materials were given for an article in a High School paper. ICE brochures were sent to 8,000 City Miami utility customers, 2,000+ Tribal members, and 250 were sent by a Mayor to his town and there be others.

The ICE campaign is “Making a Difference” in at least 12,500 lives in Ottawa County through the Leadership skills of OHCE members, some thinking they couldn’t teach anybody anything. Plans are to share the project and leadership results in a workshop for the OHCE district meetings in March 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Common Sense - Leadership Skills - Community Involvement - all teamed up to make this ICE Project one that will carry on into 2010 and hopefully impact the lives of 5-10 times as many people as in 2009!
    OHCE is an outreach program administered by Oklahoma State University (OSU).


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